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Fossilized Gulf Stream Coral

by Peter Marcus
(Palm Beach Florida)

I have about 300 pieces of fossilized Atlantic Ocean corals.
Rose- Brain and many others
I’m interested in know more, about them. We have sold a few hundred others without knowing to much about them some weigh in at 15 lbs and some at 2lbs, and in size range from 3” to about 20”.

They are all collected from the Gulf Stream and I believe according to the depth of dredging approximately 3/4 Million years old

My interest is to sell to collectors and or lovers of beautiful rare pieces of nature.

Thank you for this opportunity to share my collection

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Mar 19, 2025
wow NEW
by: elle


Mar 21, 2023

by: Douglas

Very nice corals. I don't know much about coral species. There is a facebook group:

Fossils Rocks Minerals Paleontology Geology Biology Astronomy &The Universe

You have to become a member (very easy to do)They have many knowledgeable members Who are very good at identifying fossils.

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